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16 August 2024

#Blogtour #Review - The Friend Zone Experiment by Zen Cho

The Friend Zone Experiment
Zen Cho
Macmillan, 8 August 2024 
Available as: HB, 352pp audio, e   
Source: Advance e-copy
ISBN(HB): 978-1035046089

I'm grateful to the publisher for giving me access to an advance e-copy of The Friend Zone Experiment to consider for review, and to Anne for inviting me to join the book's blogtour.

Renee Goh has an enviable life, growing her own Instagram-friendly clothing business, Virtu, dating a Taiwanese pop star and living in a posh London flat left her by her aunt.

But she's estranged from her family, ends up working extremely long days and has just been dumped by the boyfriend. So it's perhaps not suprising that when she bumps into another ex, Yap Ket Siong, at a V&A do, she spends a night with him. Surely they can just remain friends? 

Unfortunately, there is unfinished business from their previous breakup - business which touches on Renee's father's desire to hand on his own firm, a major conglomerate based back home in Malaysia, to one of his three kids. Renee could be back in the fold, all she has to do is impress father (and outdo her very competitive brothers...). But what might the impact be on Ket Siong - and should she care? Suddenly that friend zone begins to look more like a very unstable fence to sit on, with passion one side, cold hard business on the other and perhaps, murky secrets on both.

The Friend Zone Experiment was a terrific read. Renee is an engaging main character, a woman who knows what she wants, is basically together and organised and definitely not ready to get pushed off course by romantic currents. And yet, at some level, she is still hurt by what happened between her and Ket Siong ten years before. As is he. Renee doesn't, though, know the full story - and I enjoyed seeing that teased out, with flashbacks and revelations. Yes it's one of those scenarios where people are hiding things for each others' supposed good, where there are misconceptions and assumptions (cue Renee's judgy but supportive pal Nathalie). Beneath all this are the bones of a thriller plot involving kidnap, stolen documents and murky secrets - but Zen Cho has the confidence to leave that sketchy and focus on the impact of events on her cast of appealing characters. 

Did somebody say "appealing characters"? I have to mention Ket Siong at this point, of course I do, he is the epitome of an appealing, no downright attractive, character - certainly to Renee, despite what he did ten years before. An honourable, somewhat tortured soul, he spent years putting duty ahead of self - as, in a slightly different way, has Renee. She was brought up learning that business and money always comes before family, with the result that her rebellion against a highly patriarchal father has been expressed by... founding her own business and working night and day at it.

With those secrets from the past reaching out, will Renee and Ket Siong be able to sort out what's real and what's imagined, satisfy the constraints of duty and love, and, above all, keep those they care for safe? Deftly plotted, fun to read and with great heart, The Friend Zone Experiment keeps us guessing, serving up thrills, excitement and a powerful, tearjerking finale.

Strongly recommended, whether you've read Zen Cho's earlier fantasy works such as Sorcerer to the Crown, The True Queen and Black Water Sister - or not.

For more information about The Friend Zone Experiment, see the publisher's website here - and of course the other stops on the blogtour which you can see listed on the poster below. 

You can buy The Friend Zone Experiment from your local high street bookshop or online from Bookshop UK, Hive Books, Blackwell's, Foyle's, WH Smith, Waterstones or Amazon.

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